CURPR Hosts Final Vision Session in Freeport to Advance Downtown and Historic District Plans

The first public visioning session allowed UTSA researchers to share progress with residents, stakeholders, and city officials. Image: Freeport Historical Museum

CURPR shared progress on the Downtown Comprehensive Plan and Historic District Design Guidelines. Image: Freeport Historical Museum

The Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research (CURPR) returned to Freeport, Texas, to lead the second of two planned public vision sessions. CURPR Director Ian Caine engaged residents and stakeholders, sharing updates on the evolving Comprehensive Downtown Plan and Historic Design Guidelines, slated for delivery to the City of Freeport in October.

Participants explored critical topics including historic preservation, economics, infrastructure, ecology, land use, and housing. The discussions provided CURPR with valuable input to refine the plans and make sure they reflect the community's vision and priorities.

CURPR thanks the residents and city officials who joined this collaborative effort, helping to shape a vibrant, sustainable future for Freeport while honoring its unique historical identity.

CURPR Hosts Vision Session in Freeport to Shape Downtown and Historic District Plans

The first public visioning session allowed UTSA researchers to leverage local knowledge and lived experience. Image: CURPR

Residents discuss the need to add and diversity downtown housing options. Image: CURPR

The Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research (CURPR) recently visited Freeport, Texas, to facilitate the first of two planned public vision sessions. Joined by Post Oak Preservation Solutions, CURPR Director Ian Caine engaged with residents and stakeholders to explore the future of the city's downtown and historic district through an inclusive community-driven process.

The session leveraged an interactive workshop format, with participants breaking into small groups to discuss key topics including historic preservation, infrastructure, mobility, and housing. Insights from these discussions will directly inform the emerging Comprehensive Downtown Plan and Historic Design Guidelines, which CURPR is set to deliver to the City of Freeport this September.

CURPR extends its thanks to residents and city officials who came out and participated in this collaborative effort to shape Freeport's future.

The next visioning session is set for July. We are looking forward to another great turnout!