Image: UTSA School of Architecture + Planning
Associate Professor Ian Caine moderated a panel titled Border Praxis: Designing Urban and Landscape Futures in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Panelists included leading urban and landscape designers from the United States and Mexico:
Gabriel Díaz Montemayor, MLA, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, University of Arkansas, Principal, LABOR Studio
Paola Aguirre, MAUD, Principal, Borderless Studio
Dennis Milam, AIA, Principal, Borderless Studio
A lively discussion ensued as the panelists explored the following topics related to urban design practice in the LRGV:
+ Border
+ Scale
+ Agency
+ Space
+ Security
+ Porosity
+ Praxis
Thanks to all that attended!
The event was sponsored by the UTSA School of Architecture + Planning with support from the Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research.